1. Click the "Reconnect to Camera" Button first.
2. Then click the "Camera Control" button" to obtain control of the camera. If time is showing in the "Time Remaining" area, someone else is controlling the camera and you will be placed in a queue to get control of the camera.
3. You may select the size of the video image in the box at the top of the viewer (160x120, 320x240, 640x480).
4.The "Pause" button will pause or resume the live video feed.
5. You may zoom in and out by clicking the bars in the "Zoom Control" bar.
6. To pan and tilt the camera, click inside the viewer image. You may also select from the "Preset Camera Positions" to move rapidly to pre-selected positions. If the Presets are grayed out, click the "Reconnect to Camera" button.
7. If the picture is too dark because of backlighting, toggle the "Backlight Compensation" button.
8. If others are waiting to control the camera, you will have exclusive control for 2 minutes.
9. Any informational items, warning messages or error messages will be shown in the "message area" at the bottom of the viewer.